Recent Publications by Gretchen E.L. Suess

National School and Community Corps 2005: Members’ Perspectives on Service and its Impact – Executive Summary
Summary of a report to EducationWorks on the National School and Community Corps that presents data that speak strongly to the impact of service on corpsmembers, providing perceptions that enable an understanding of their experience…
Meanings of Cultural Participation at the Neighborhood Level: A Focus Group Analysis
This report was prepared for the Philadelphia Cultural Benchmark Project, a collaborative project between Research for Action, Audience Insight LLC, and the University of Pennsylvania’s Social Impacts of the Arts Project (SIAP). It draws from…
Cultural Leaders’ Reflections on Cultural Participation and Preliminary Research
This report was prepared for the Philadelphia Cultural Benchmark Project, a collaborative project between Research for Action, Audience Insight LLC, and the University of Pennsylvania’s Social Impacts of the Arts Project (SIAP). It draws from…
Children at Play: An Evaluation of EW/NSCC’s Socialized Recess Program
This report evaluates socialized recess programs conducted by Education Works/National School and Community Corps (EW/NSCC) school-based teams. It is intended to give EW/NSCC deeper insights into the accomplishments and challenges of the program and to…
National School and Community Corps 2005: Members’ Perspectives on Service and its Impact – An Evaluation Report for EducationWorks
This report to EducationWorks on the National School and Community Corps presents an analysis of how corpsmembers’ service experience affected their attitudes about civic responsibility and self, their learning and development, and their future plans.…
The Time is Now: Youth Organize to Transform Philadelphia Schools
Through a study of public school reform in Philadelphia, Research for Action (RFA) has focused on youth roles in civic engagement. Two local youth organizations at three high schools have researched various educational models and…