Catalyzing systems change through research
RFA recognizes research as a powerful mechanism for advancing education systems change. We partner with education change agents to design and implement actionable research and evaluation projects and disseminate empirical evidence to catalyze the development and scale of equitable and just education programs, policies, and systems.
We're Hiring a Senior Director of Finance
We're seeking a senior finance professional to lead our finance team and provide strategic and operational oversight for all financial strategy, management, and reporting in the organization.
How Mobility Patterns Are Shaping the Future for English Learner Students in Philly
A new study examines the mobility rates of English Learner (EL) students in the School District of Philadelphia, how these patterns affect their academic outcomes, and action items and recommendations to better serve these students.

Educational Opportunity Dashboard
Built with data from the 2017-18 federal Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), this interactive tool from RFA allows users to compare disparities in access to educational opportunity for students in all 50 states and the nation. Visit the Dashboard to examine the data on your home state and review RFA’s reports about educational opportunity in the nation and in Pennsylvania.
Visit the Dashboard
Becoming a Community-Engaged Research Organization
We know that research is better and more impactful when communities are engaged throughout the research process. But how can research organizations become community-engaged? To document the “how,” Research for Action launched a Community Research Partnership, and after its first year, we’re documenting our learnings through a brief and an audio-doc, which share five key insights we’ve drawn from embarking on this transformative journey.
Top 5 InsightsAbout Us
RFA harnesses research to transform the education landscape, from preK-12 to postsecondary. Through statewide evaluations and program design to policy analysis and technical assistance, RFA brings innovative, community-engaged approaches to systems and change agents. We partner with educators, system leaders, policymakers, advocates, philanthropy, media, communities, students, and families—building knowledge and actionable insights to create a just education system where all learners can thrive.
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A hallmark of RFA’s research and evaluation work is our responsive and collaborative approach to partnerships. Our research directly addresses the information needs of our partners and key stakeholders, knowing that education policies and contexts can shift, and important decisions need to be made to seize the moment to improve policy and practice.