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Current Trends in Youth Organizing

Began in March 2024

RFA is partnering with the Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing (FCYO) to publish a 2025 National Youth Organizing Landscape Scan. This research seeks to address timely questions and provide field-building insights into current trends in youth organizing. It will identify growth and changes in the field since the previous scan and offer a vision for future work needed to continue building power and working toward transformative change. Additionally, the study will determine the extent to which, and in what ways, the field aligns with FCYO’s Power to Win Framework. The final report will build on existing knowledge, including FCYO’s previous landscape scans, by providing a current snapshot of the landscape from the perspectives of youth leaders and organizers across the country. 

The project is divided into two major phases. In Phase 1, RFA will conduct a landscape scan, literature review, and media scan to identify an estimate of current youth organizing groups in the U.S. and summarize the current state of youth organizing. A national survey will be carried out to collect and analyze targeted data, building on previous field scans to highlight changes in trends over time. Additionally, focus groups will be conducted with youth organizing groups served by FCYO to understand a range of perspectives and priorities within the field. 

In Phase 2, case studies of 2-3 key trends or areas in youth organizing will be created. These profiles will be developed through interviews and/or focus groups with leaders of youth organizing groups. The case studies will provide an in-depth look into the priorities, successes, and challenges of these key or emerging trends in the field. Through this comprehensive approach, the 2025 National Youth Organizing Landscape Scan aims to offer valuable insights and guidance for the future of youth organizing.