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A Look at the School Managers in the ‘Multiple Provider’ Model

This two-page center spread article presents a chart with information about each of the managers assigned schools after the state takeover of Philadelphia public schools, with the exception of Chancellor Beacon, whose contract for 2003-2004 has been terminated. The managers represented in the chart include: two for-profits (Edison Schools Inc. and Victory Schools Inc); two nonprofit private managers (Foundations Inc. and Universal Companies); two university partners (Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania) and the School District’s Office of Restructured Schools. The chart provides information for each about: number, location and level of schools; extra per pupil funding allotment; changes in staffing structure; class size reduction; core curricula used for literacy and math; behavior management/character education programs; assessments used in addition to the PSSA and TerraNova; and distinctive special features or initiatives. In addition, a sidebar column lists the schools under each manager with region and grade configuration.