Recent Publications by Katie Englander
Quality Ratings and Improvement Systems in Early Childhood Education: Promising Approaches for Pennsylvania
Policymakers are recognizing that Pennsylvania has fallen behind in providing equitable access to high quality early childhood education. Gov. Tom Wolf ran on a campaign promise of universal pre-k access and proposed an unprecedented budget…
Summary of 21st Century OST Learning Community Workshops
During the summer and fall of 2015, RFA hosted three Learning Community Workshops to provide opportunities for Philadelphia’s 21st CCLC providers to further discuss the findings from the “citywide” report as well as their implications…

Blended Learning: Lessons from Best Practice Sites and the Philadelphia Context
The Philadelphia Education Research Consortium’s (PERC’s) inaugural project is centered on the emerging concept of Blended Learning. The first brief, published in September 2014, examines the research base, identifies a definition of this emerging concept,…
Blended Learning: Lessons from Best Practice Sites and the Philadelphia Context
PERC research is produced through collaboration between researchers from Research for Action and the School District of Philadelphia’s Office of Research and Evaluation. For more information, please visit Over the course of the last…

Going One-to-One in Urban Schools
Beginning in spring 2013, students in seven elementary schools throughout the Project LIFT zone in Charlotte, North Carolina began to receive XO laptops provided by the organization One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) for use both…

Research for Action’s Evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Center Grantees: A Snapshot of OST Programs in Philadelphia in 2013-14
21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) grants are designed to support out-of-school time (OST) programs that provide academic support for youth attending high-poverty, underperforming schools. The programs also offer enrichment activities, such as art…