Recent Publications by Katrina E. Bulkley
Making the Most of Interim Assessment Data: Lessons from Philadelphia – Executive Summary
This is the executive summary of RFA’s report, Making the Most of Interim Assessment Data: Lessons from Philadelphia. Under No Child Left Behind, urban school districts have increasingly turned to interim assessments, administered at regular…
Contracting Out Schools: The First Year of the Philadelphia Diverse Provider Model
This research brief reports on the first year of Philadelphia’s diverse provider model. The findings are based on analysis of interviews with 20 principals in schools operated under the diverse provider model and with 10…
Bringing the Private into the Public: Changing the Rules of the Game and New Regime Politics in Philadelphia Public Education
Using the lens of urban regime analysis, this article examines the Philadelphia education regime and the policies it has promoted resulting from the state takeover of the district in 2001. The author determines that although…
Studying Micro-Processes of School-Based Educators’ Use of Data in Cross-School Qualitative Research
This paper was presented at the American Education Research Association’s 2007 annual conference. While there is a great deal of enthusiasm for collection and use of student data by educators, little is known about how…
Making the Most of Interim Assessment Data: Lessons from Philadelphia
Under No Child Left Behind, urban school districts have increasingly turned to interim assessments, administered at regular intervals, to help gauge student progress in advance of annual state exams. These assessments have spawned growing debate…