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K–12 Education and Juvenile Justice

We understand issues related to K-12 education and school systems in and across a variety of public school contexts, including district schools, charter schools, and juvenile justice facilities. Our research focuses on the implementation and impacts of various schoolwide programs and supports, as well as curricula and instructional practices, related to literacy, STEM, and high school to career and college readiness.

We are committed to improving equity for students in primary and secondary schools and aim to make sure all students have an opportunity to shape their education. Our work is designed to implement reform at a national, state, district, and school level. We understand issues related to K-12 education and school systems in and across a variety of public school contexts, including district schools, charter schools, and juvenile justice facilities.

Our research focuses on the implementation and impacts of various schoolwide programs and supports, as well as curricula and instructional practices, related to literacy, STEM, and high school to career and college readiness. Our findings related to K-12 education have been used to inform policymakers and the media, support teachers, and guide students.

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Democratizing Education Data Collective

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Evaluation of K-3 Literacy Programming in Philadelphia

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Evaluating Philadelphia’s Community Schools Initiative

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Examining the Fiscal Impact of Charter School Expansion

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Examining Credit Transfer from Juvenile Justice Facilities to the School District of Philadelphia

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Evaluating the Philadelphia Academies’ All-Academy High School Model

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A Formative Evaluation of the Coalition of Essential Schools’ Summer Institute with Philadelphia High School Teachers: Philadelphia Schools Collaborative

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Using Common Assignments to Strengthen Teaching and Learning

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Providing Technical Assistance on ELL Policy to the Pennsylvania Department of Education: A Project of the Mid-Atlantic REL

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Providing Policy Guidance and Support to Increase Student Success in Higher Education

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Examining a Math Intervention in Philadelphia Schools: An RCT in Partnership with RAND

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STEM Training for Philadelphia Teachers: An Evaluation Funded by the National Science Foundation

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The Philadelphia Education Research Consortium (PERC)

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Integrative Arts Programs in Philadelphia: An Examination of Philadelphia’s Mural Arts Program in Four Public Schools

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An Evaluation of Delaware’s Teacher Evaluation System

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An Evaluation of the Keystone Science Network (KSN): Franklin Institute Science Museum

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An Evaluation of the Science Resource Leaders Program: School District of Philadelphia and PATHS/PRISM

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A Study of Local Education Funds: Public Education Network (PEN)

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Career and Technical Training in Juvenile Justice Facilities: Increasing the Capacity of a Statewide Network to Make Evidence-Based Decisions

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An Evaluation of the Philadelphia Youth Network’s GED-to-College Initiative

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An Evaluation of Metro Math: The Center for Mathematics in American Cities

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A Participatory Evaluation of the Gratz Connection: School District of Philadelphia

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An Evaluation of the New Jersey Graduate-K12 Partnership: Rutgers University

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An Evaluation of the Regional Environmental Education Program Middle School and High School Curriculum: Schuylkill Valley Nature Center

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An Evaluation of Congreso de Latino Unidos’ Éxito Project

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Action Research with Youth United for Change

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Teacher Turnover in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

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A Study of High School Restructuring in Five Schools: Philadelphia Education Fund (PEF)

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Youth Civic Engagement in Urban School Reform

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An After-School Literacy and Leadership Development Program for Girls: Sisters Together in Action Research (STAR)

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An Evaluation of the Center for Literacy’s Integrated Literacy Model at West Philadelphia High School

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An Evaluation of the Reduced Class Size/Early Balanced Literacy Initiative (RCS/EBL): Philadelphia Education Fund (PEF)

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Related Publications

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Students Experiencing Homelessness in Pennsylvania: A 2024 Update

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Virtual Approaches Hold Promise for Expanding After- school Art Programming


Virtual Approaches Hold Promise for Expanding Afterschool Art Programming

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Allegheny County Student and Teacher Race and Ethnicity, 2022-23


Allegheny County Teacher and Student Demographics: 2022-23 Update

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Pennsylvania School Funding and School Staffing Disparities

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Changing the Finish Line: Implications of new graduation requirements in the School District of Philadelphia

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The Need for More Teachers of Color

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Teacher Mobility in Allegheny County, 2014-15 through 2019-20

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Students Experiencing Homelessness in Allegheny County

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Special Education Funding in Pennsylvania Charter Schools

For many years, policymakers, researchers, and education stakeholders in Pennsylvania have been examining and debating the Commonwealth’s system of funding special education in charter schools. Despite all this attention, there remains significant confusion about how…


FAQ: Allegheny County Teachers of Color

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Teacher Diversity in Pennsylvania from 2013-14 to 2019-20

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How Long Will it Take Me To Get to School?

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Responses to Covid-19 School Closures

In March 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic caused schools to close for the remainder of the school year, all Pennsylvania school districts and charter schools were required to “make good faith efforts to implement continuity of…


Allegheny County Students in Foster Care

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Equity-Focused Charter School Authorizing Toolkit

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Investing So Schools Work

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Detroit-Area Early Childhood Workforce Study

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The Philadelphia Community Schools Initiative: Year 1 Evaluation

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Teacher Mobility in the School District of Philadelphia, 2009-10 through 2015-16

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New Data on Teacher Diversity in Pennsylvania

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School Performance Profiles: Still Not the Sum of a School’s Parts

Since 2013, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has annually published School Performance Profiles (SPPs), which assign a summative academic performance score for every traditional public and charter school in Pennsylvania by rating each school…


Philadelphia Community Schools Progress Report

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Supporting Literacy in Out-of-School Time: Summary of Evidence

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Charter School Special Education Funding in Pennsylvania

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Characteristics of English Language Learners in the School District of Philadelphia

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Community Schools in Practice: Research on Implementation and Impact

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