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Showing 388 - 396 of 537 results.


Reframing Accountability for Urban Public Schools

Based on their research with community-organizing groups, Eva Gold and Elaine Simon from Research for Action and Chris Brown from the Cross City Campaign for Urban School Reform describe four…


Principals and Teachers in a Reform Environment

…impact those working at the ground levels of education: specifically, the principals and teachers who work inside the schools. content-module 1 View the Publication Download the Publication Visit Original Source…


Making It Work: Bibliography and Technical Appendix

…suggestions for further reading, as well as the technical appendix to accompany Making It Work: Examining the Status of Non-Traditional Child Care in Pennsylvania. content-module 5 View the Publication Download


Investing So Schools Work

Recognizing the need for new estimates on how much school funding is adequate for Pennsylvania school districts, Research for Action commissioned an independent project based on the research of national…