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Showing 532 - 537 of 537 results.


Out-of-School Time

…collaborators. RFA prioritizes examining program quality and understanding contextual factors that contribute to or impede access, equity and quality implementation in OST. We have conducted complex research studies of systems-level…


Strategic Advising and Technical Assistance from RFA

bg-color-illustration white 8038 1 Research for Action (RFA) is an independent, non-profit educational research organization with a mission of using culturally responsive and community-informed research to promote racial equity and


Our Approach

bg-image-illustration white 5186 Research for Action Our Approach Actionable, equitable, responsive education research. 1 row-module row-module row-module row-module row-module 5483 5483 9 3 1 1 We are committed to conducting…


Postsecondary Education and Workforce

…conducting comprehensive, multi-site, mixed-methods postsecondary research studies in in state and local contexts. RFA has conducted research on statewide and local College Promise programs, policies and approaches to improving student…


Our Expertise Areas

…research and evaluation built over the last decade that includes local Philadelphia-based evaluations as well as national multi-site OST research initiatives. We conduct research and provide actionable feedback to OST…