Enacting Common Core Instruction: A Comparative Study of the Use of LDC Literacy Tools in Three Sites
Date: June 2014
As of the writing of this report, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are being implemented in 45 states and the District of Columbia. Approaches to implementing the standards, however, are highly varied. For the past 3 years, RFA has been tracking how one approach to implementing the literacy standards—the Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)—has played out in diverse settings. In this document, we show how three of these settings—a medium-size urban/suburban district, a large urban district, and a regional educational service agency—used LDC to help teachers align instruction with the CCSS. Our research shows that there are some best practices that are shared across all sites. Yet we also find that adapting to unique contextual factors is an integral part of successful implementation; and that there remain opportunities for further consideration and development at all sites. The cross-case study report is intended as a resource that can assist policymakers and education leaders in understanding the variation of best practices in LDC implementation, and also as a “road map” for sites that are considering adopting LDC tools.