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Personalized, Competency-Based Learning in Arizona: A Case Study of Implementation in Yuma Union High School District

Personalized, Competency-Based Learning in Arizona: A Case Study of Implementation in Yuma Union High School District

The case study explores the adoption and implementation of personalized, competency-based learning at Yuma Union High School District (YUHSD) within the broader context of the Arizona Personalized Learning Network (AZPLN). The study reveals that YUHSD has made notable strides in aligning district-wide systems with personalized learning principles, such as the adoption of standards-based grading and a shared vision for personalized learning. Leadership development, professional learning opportunities, and comprehensive assessment systems have all played a crucial role in supporting the successful implementation of personalized, competency-based learning.

The study underscores the positive impact of personalized, competency-based learning on student engagement, agency, and metacognitive skills. Teachers at YUHSD have reported increased student voice and choice through strategies like choice boards, proficiency scales, and flexible learning environments. These practices have led to improved advocacy skills among students and stronger relationships between students and teachers, fostering a culture of transparency and inclusivity. Additionally, the model has facilitated student individualization and differentiated support, enhancing the overall learning experience for students across various subject areas.

While the implementation of personalized, competency-based learning has been largely successful, the study also highlights several challenges faced by YUHSD. These challenges include initial resistance due to competing priorities like the AVID program, as well as obstacles in scaling the model to more teachers and classrooms. Faculty members have expressed concerns about the additional time and support needed for effective implementation, especially in addressing the diverse needs of special education students and English language learners. Faculty training and ongoing collaboration are identified as critical areas for improvement to ensure the sustained success of the personalized learning approach.
The case study emphasizes the importance of addressing the challenges faced by YUHSD through targeted support for faculty, especially in providing additional training and time for implementation. Efforts should focus on increasing buy-in from core subject area teachers, enhancing support for special education students and English language learners, and promoting a deeper understanding of personalized, competency-based learning principles across the district. Aligning the approach with existing initiatives like AVID and ensuring ongoing technical assistance for faculty are key strategies for successful implementation and continued growth in personalized learning practices.

Moreover, the study acknowledges the need for continued collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and stakeholder engagement to sustain and enhance the success of personalized, competency-based learning at YUHSD. By leveraging the insights from this case study, Yuma Union High School District can further advance its efforts to create student-centered learning experiences that prepare all students for success in college, career, and beyond.