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Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: A Series of Reports on the Findings of the Indicators Project on Education Organizing

This report series, produced through the Education Organizing Indicators Project, presents a methodology for documenting the contribution of community organizing to school reform. The Project stemmed from the perceived need to make the positive impact of community organizing on public education more visible and measurable. Project authors developed an Indicators Framework for Education Organizing based on a preliminary set of telephone interviews with nineteen community organizing groups across the country, followed by detailed case studies of five groups. The Indicators Framework can be a valuable tool for educators, funders, and organizers. The series includes an overview report, executive summary, a user’s guide, and an appendix containing the five case studies. Each case study describes the work and accomplishments of one organization through the analytic perspective of four out of the eight indicator areas that make up the Indicators Framework. Each case study is also available as a separate bound report.